Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Only less than a week till I go fly to Hong Kong, and I am excited. Although I do sorta want a DSLR to take some pictures :( Guess I'll have to settle for a crappy 8.0MP camera. Then again I want lots of things :(
Anyways, this post was just a test to see if writing more does actually get me more money. :D
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Exams exams examssss
Too bad math is perhaps the most feared one right now, because only a select people in the class understand what was taught. So here I am slaving away at learning to do math, and I wonder what life would be like if everybody used a different system of measurements (which we sorta do). And on the December '05 Science One Mathematics Final Exam was this:
"Bonus: A certain toper drank one gill of rum every forenoon, and every afternoon, for 6 years;
in consequence of which, he died. How many hogsheads did he drink? [From an 1834
mathematics textbook."
haha that was my lol of the day :D
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Safe at last?
Complacent attitude toward this disease has slowly allowed it to evolve, and advance. Doctors do not see the risk in such a disease returning. The dormant germs in a hosts body can be activated at any time, with age playing a major role. Once TB is active, doctors inject attack the patient with their first line of offence, anti-TB drugs (grenades). But the bacteria have defenses of their own, and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) can emerge. This new bug is a result of mismanaged drugs, or misuse of the anti-TB drugs. The war doesn't stop there though; doctors strike again with 2nd line anti-TB drugs, which are more expensive and harder to make (sorta like ICBMs). But once again, MDR-TB is sometimes able to defend itself and evolve into extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB). XDR-TB is emerging fast today, and the general population is not told about such a thing. The disease is easily spread in close quarters such as buses or elevators. This is a very dangerous disease, and should not be so easily disregarded.
So are we ever really safe from the plethora of disease that may rise from the dead?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
This is science
What a wonderful way to express science. Although I cannot say I would ever do such a thing, those dances are very good. Shows how science isn't just sitting in a lab all the time and reading textbooks.
Also, eating blueberries reverse memory loss, better start eating bags of blueberries everyday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Taking half steps to infinity
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
On another note, why Canadian banks don't need help in this slumping depression.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
For good or for bad
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Stool transplants
So out there in the medical field, people do many interesting things to try and cure things. The bacteria C. difficile infects the intestinal lining, destroying all those lovely proteins that break down food for us. Living up to its name, the bacteria is très difficile to get rid of. Sometimes antibiotics will get rid of it, but usually it just returns. The bacteria causes major diarrhea, which is very unpleasant. But it seems like doctors in Minneapolis have successfully treated patients with this bacteria. Because the bacteria destroys all the helpful bacteria within the colon, the solution appeared to put the bacteria back into the colon. Your own normal bacteria wouldn't work because C. difficile would just destroy it again. But it has been tested that by putting somebody elses stool into the colon, it gets rid of the bacteria. Very bizarre and a tad bit gross.
It is already truly amazing the feats that humans can do. Our body has evolved over the million years. Organ systems to do every single thing that we are required to survive. These changes do not occur spontaneously, nor are they coincidences. Millions of years have sculpted our bodys into what they are now. But I do not think evolution is over for us humans. There are still many possibilities for further evolution.
Evolution is part of nature, but in todays society, nature is not allowed to move forward. The genetic mutations are welcomed, and everybody is allowed to survive. No longer is it the survival of the fittest, but rather survival for all. Maybe the abolishment of laws would result in no evolution at all, it is possible that evolution may go in reverse, and thus, humans would end up no better than all the other animals. But there is always the possibility of further evolution. There's always the possibility for something better.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Also, I've added that search bar which searches through this blog and my other blog, so play around with it
Monday, October 13, 2008
Its over nine thousand!
So I have been pondering very deeply about the term 1 project, and I have 2 options so far:
Black Silicon a special type of silicon made when treated with lasers and gases. After the treatment, the silicon turns black, and its surface turns into microscopic spikes. When light strikes these spikes, it bounces back and forth, very rarely does it bounce back out. This new material can be used for solar cells or various things, as almost all technological devices have silicon in them.
Bisphenol A(4,4'-dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane) or BPA is a compound that is found in various plastics. I would hope most of you have already heard about this, as this is the same compound found in nalgene bottles and many other day to day plastic objects. Bisphenol A in the body acts as an endocrine disruptor, meaning that it is both a agonist and antagonist. BPA is able to mimic the bodys own hormones, causing hormone reactions when they are not needed.
So these two are the only things I have thought of, although I do have like 3 days before I need to set my mind.
Everything in moderation
- Learn to play an instrument
- Read more books
- Write more
- Take up a new hobby
- Stay in shape
Without a goal in mind, I think that aimlessly wandering will get me no where.
Also I've been thinking about other things to take up my time, things that will also require the usage of my brain. I might decide to learn the basics of card counting, and perhaps just play around with it as a hobby. Statistical numbers always seem to amazing me, and math seems to answer a lot of things. Basic math can go a long way, and even then graphs make up a lot in this world that we live in. Every person should be able to understand graphs, and easily extrapolate data from them. Graphs serve as a basis of expressing large sets of data into a easily viewable picture. I think it is our intent to be able to understand the simple things, because from simple things arise the complex ideas.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Just dance
Also today I ventured back into a part of my past, Chinatown. It seems that Chinatown is imposed as a major tourism place for Vancouver, but if I were a tourist, I would think that Chinatown is the shitpit of Vancouver. You see druggies wandering the streets, various decrepit buildings lying in shambles. Honestly, Chinatown isn't what it used to be. There is no longer even a need to go down there, since you can buy everything there at various shops along fraser and main, or better yet, Richmond. This wandering into the past has allowed me to view the changes that have occurred over the years. Often in life we are too caught up to notice these changes that have taken place, and it is always good to go and revisit the past. I grew up in Chinatown, with my dad withing at a grocery store there. I still remember the Chinatown nightmarket, back when it was actually very interesting. I think that we should never forget where we have come from, and often, we should look back and remember our childhood. It is the memories of childhood that allow us to remember where we have come from.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Lucky for me, I live in Canada, the land of universal health care, a budget surplus, and maybe the most financially sound banks in the world. According to Reuters Canada has the top banks in the world, which allows us to be at ease while the rest of the world shakes as the US economy topples. But as sound as our banks can get, it seems that us Vancouverites are at the bottom of the barrel. The gas prices in Vancouver right now are quite low compared to what it has been over the summer, but it turns out that on average, the gas in Vancouver is 10 cents more than the gas in Toronto. Luckily oil prices continue to drop, with the price at $80/barrel, prices are expected to drop some more, and hopefully gas prices will once again be under $1. These events I think are things everybody should know about, as they truly do affect everybody. There is nothing worse than a person who knows nothing about what is going in the world around them.
On a more scientific note, this organism seems to have been discovered to be an ecosystem all by itself. Also, here is an article about the effects of the other CO2 problem, acidity in the oceans.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Little droplets form on his face while in the eternal heat
The sole of his shoes worn out from the jagged, hard rocks of the road
And he sweated along the road
Curving along the road
At the end of the road, a gift that he was bestowed
She was like a flower, the flush of rose petals in her cheeks
The light of heaven in her eyes, brightly shining as she speaks
The voice of a goddess who wields no weapon except for love
A woman whose heart is to love
Purely and simply to love
And to love in return was all that he wanted of
Into her eyes he gazed, not wanting to whisper his farewell
And then her eyes glistening upon the thoughts his words impel
He slowly turned his back on her deeply sadden as he went
Engulfed in darkness he went
Going alone as he went
The deathly silence, as he went, always in torment
His thoughts are always on her as he walked alone down the road
The emotions storming all through his head, waiting to explode
Trying to forget the past, while tears drip down his empty face
A face that once was happy
The troubles that he had to face
Every night as he sleeps his face always in disgrace
Friday, October 3, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Once again
Life at UBC is a drastic change from what St. Pat's is life. There is just the feeling of being overwhelmed by everything that is there, and there's nothing you can do but be a part of it. Taking a first year program called Science One, I sit in a classroom with 75 other people, people who you can look at and correctly say "He's probably smarter than me". I can honestly say that i love university. Everybody is here to learn, and so I am surrounded by people who are just as eager to go to class as I am. Meeting new people and learning new things has always excited me.
I feel much more independent, choosing for myself what I what to do, and when to do it. My classes are all interactive, encouraging everybody to take part and learn together. Days flicker by, and it has already been 3 weeks since school started, although it has only felt like 1. I am eager to see what surprises and challenges university brings me, waiting for the best years of my life.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Home at last
Left vernon military camp at 330pm on the 16th, got to kelnowna airport at 430pm, found out our flight that was suppose to be at 645 got delayed till 945. Gotta love all these problems we get once we go home. The first bus that left at 8 in the morning arrived at the airport and 2 wheels fell off, just completely fell on and was riding on the axles. Moped around the airport till 8, and then we got white spot to eat, which was pretty good. Found out flight was delayed some more till 1030pm. Our flight route was from kelnowna to fort st. john to price george to vancouver to victoria. Arrived home at 3am, instead of the scheduled 1030pm. Military intelligence, figures.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
-George Carlin
R.I.P George Carlin
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Alas my love
Monday, June 16, 2008
“How do you know it?”
“I feel it. I don’t go by my head but by my heart. You might be good at logic, but you’re heartless.”
“Madame, when we’ll see men dying of starvation around us, your heart won’t be of any earthly use to them.”
-Atlas Shrugged
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A sigh of relief
So school final exams have ended, and for once in my life, I feel that my future was actually in my control. Too bad I've got this horrible feeling about doing bad on exams, and then being kicked out of Science One because my marks have dropped too much. On another note, only 2 more weeks and highschool will be over. One chapter of my life gone, with another one being written.
My blogging has become almost non-existent, and I think its because I always forget my ingenious ideas. I think I will start carrying around a notepad, so I can always write stuff down. Maybe one day I will have a million dollar idea, and then I can become rich and famous.
On another note, iphones are finally coming to Canada. It is so exciting to see new products and innovative concepts being introduced everyday. It amazes me to be living in a time where the evolution on technology is advancing so rapidly. New cars being thought of, while the economy of the world erupts.
It seems worthwhile to reflect back on our times, as we will grow old and laugh at our childhood. Gas prices reaching an absurd amount, while 10 years back I can fondly remember the days of 40c a liter. Perhaps change is good, but change will always be here to stay. Nothing can be done against the forces of nature, although actions may be taken to stall it.
And so ends my blog post of the day, bowling calls.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
So I haven't blogged in quite awhile. Graduation is fast approaching, but after that are exams. I have begun to review over my subjects, because I think that reviewing everyday is the best way to prepare for exams. The BC Ministry of Education gives $1000 to every student who obtains 3 A's on their provincials. And if you are within the top 25 students in the province, you get $2500, that is a lot of money. I think that my current method of studying is very effective, review, then test using studybuzz, then actually study.
The best way of studying is to learn the material the first time, so the second time you see it, it will only be refreshing something that is already in your brain. Holistic learning is learning everything not as a specific category, but trying to connect it all together. By connecting ideas, it will be easier to recall a specific term, because there are so many other connections to it. Think in metaphors and by associating ideas with simple everyday objects. And most importantly, it is through sleep that most information is retained, so studying before sleep allows your brain to constantly think about what you have just studied, allowing more time for the information to percolate deeper into the brian.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
So this is how it ends
- English Project
- Religion Project...(maybe I won't do it)
- Study study study
- Finish building my computer, gotta buy those parts
- study some more
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It is time..
Things I need to buy:
- New motherboard (gigabyte ga-p35? only 100)
New CPU (whichever one gives the most bang for its buck)- New graphics card (128mb or 256mb will suffice)
Network card (want a motherboard with wireless on it)- another HD (i really really wish for a Western Digital Raptor, but that is only a dream)
- some 120mm fans to keep my computer quiet
- RAM (hmm so cheap, maybe 4gigs then)
UPDATE: Bought CPU e8400, bought GPU 8600 gt
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The square root of three
A lonely number like root three
The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine
For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic
I know I’ll never see the sun,
as 1.7321
Such is my reality,
a sad irrationality
When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three
As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer
We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands
Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed
- Dave Feinberg
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Problems caused by the low US dollar
As the US dollar is dropping, the main supplier of goods into the US, China, has realized that the profits are not worth it anymore. China has begun to stop its import into the US, causing the rise in products. Everyday groceries have risen in price, and it is not due to shortages. There is plenty of food, but because China does not wish to import it, the prices will go up. As the dollar drops, the economy of the US will also fall. As neighbours, Canada will also feel the emptiness in our wallets.
It is impossible to live in Vancouver and not notice the price of oil. 10 years ago, oil stood on the stock market at $15.35 per barrel, now in 2008 it has reached peaks of $120 a barrel. This is not due to a lack of oil in the world either. Today in the world, there is more oil than there has ever been. The rise in prices is due to the falling of the US dollar, and also due to crisis's overseas in the nations that control most of the oil. OPEC has discussed dropping the US greenback for the Euro, which will allow the prices of oil to drop. Perhaps one day this will happen, as it is become more and more obvious that the United States of America is falling into a recession.
In the words of Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State, "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." So who controls the money in the world?
Isn't it always up to us?
People die everywhere else in Africa, yet it is not made a big deal. In the Congo up to 3 million people are dead after 6 years of conflict. Why aren't we helping the people there instead? Everything is focussed on Darfur because it contains oil and minerals, something all nations want.
So it seems that the cry is for YOU to do something about the genocide in Darfur. But what really can we do, when in Canada, we have nothing. Just this week, a Chinese tanker carrying a shipment of weapons traveling to Africa was went back. Those familiar with Rwanda may know that the Rwandan government bought $750,000 worth of machetes from China. That was enough machetes for every third man in Rwanda. If that Chinese tanker had successfully unloaded the weapons, there could very well have been another war in Africa.
My point is that when superpowers such as China, and the US want something, there isn't much to be done to stop them. My opinion on this matter is to just let things run its course, and soon it will eventually end. Survival of the fittest.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Harry Potter x10
Reports of so-called penis snatching are not uncommon in West Africa, where belief in traditional religions and witchcraft remains widespread, and where ritual killings to obtain blood or body parts still occur.
Rumors of penis theft began circulating last week in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo's sprawling capital of some 8 million inhabitants. They quickly dominated radio call-in shows, with listeners advised to beware of fellow passengers in communal taxis wearing gold rings.
Purported victims, 14 of whom were also detained by police, claimed that sorcerers simply touched them to make their genitals shrink or disappear, in what some residents said was an attempt to extort cash with the promise of a cure.
"You just have to be accused of that, and people come after you. We've had a number of attempted lynchings. ... You see them covered in marks after being beaten," Kinshasa's police chief, Jean-Dieudonne Oleko, told Reuters on Tuesday.
Police arrested the accused sorcerers and their victims in an effort to avoid the sort of bloodshed seen in Ghana a decade ago, when 12 suspected penis snatchers were beaten to death by angry mobs. The 27 men have since been released.
"I'm tempted to say it's one huge joke," Oleko said.
"But when you try to tell the victims that their penises are still there, they tell you that it's become tiny or that they've become impotent. To that I tell them, 'How do you know if you haven't gone home and tried it'," he said.
Some Kinshasa residents accuse a separatist sect from nearby Bas-Congo province of being behind the witchcraft in revenge for a recent government crackdown on its members.
"It's real. Just yesterday here, there was a man who was a victim. We saw. What was left was tiny," said 29-year-old Alain Kalala, who sells phone credits near a Kinshasa police station.
I guess this was their dream, maybe thats why people tend to stay away from Africa. I would be terrified of penis-shrinking sorcerors. This post is due to my laziness to make a post on Earth Day. Everyday should be Earth day, so nothing really special, so don't forget to save some energy and take short showers.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Wait, isn't it spring?
Since I am on the topic of global warming, it seems proper to insert a pin to prick the bubbles of those who love to tan. It seems that sun-screen may protect you from the two most common types of skin cancer, Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), it does not protect you from malignant melanoma. Malignant melanoma is a very rare type of skin cancer, but its responsible for 75% of all skin cancer deaths. Melanomas are easily visible for they look like little blotches on your skin. If spotted and treated early, they are nothing more than mere nuisances. But if allowed to grow, they can go down into the skin and travel around in the blood. Melanoma is usually cause by sunburns, so usually sunscreen would be the natural answer. But what sunscreen has been discovered to do is, it stops the skin from showing warnings that melanomas are developing. UVB radiation stimulates the skin to produce melanin to protect the skin. Putting on sunscreen blocks the stimulation of melanin, and the skin does not produce melanin. Melanin is what accounts for the skin pigment, and it acts as a natural barrier to UVA and UVB radiation.
Just some food for thought, enjoy.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Process of Elimination
First and foremost, you should almost always use this method whenever you are doing multiple choice questions on a test. 1 out of 4 is only 25% that you will get it right, but by eliminating 1 incorrect answer, you will have a 33% chance! By eliminating another answer you will end up with a 50% chance of guessing the correct answer. This shows that you don't necessarily have to know the answer to get it right, as long as you know what the answer isn't you can just work backwards.
A more ghastly use of the process of elimination could be to eliminate your opponents, allowing you to win at whatever you may be doing. Although most circumstances it would be illegal to do this, its a guarantee win. (unless you get caught :p)
There are many many more possibilities out there for using the great problem-solving technique. So just remember, every time you are stuck with a problem, try using the process of elimination.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Welcome to my life
Also with all this graduation stuff coming up, it just adds to the immense aberration. Grad is overrated, and thats all there is to it. Why can't it just be a simple "Congratulations, here is your diploma," and then we're done. All this fancy shmancy just for graduation. If only people did not make such a big deal about graduating. But I think my mom is right, its overrated because most parents have no graduated, so their like "OMG they're sooo smart! Let's all celebrate." Such minor things in life are not deserving of celebration, and if such minor things are made to be more than what they are, its just creating a false sense of accomplishment. I could go on for a few more paragraphs, but I must go and try and do something with my time other than ranting about the uselessness of many things.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Large Hadron Collider
So that is the Large Hadron Collider. Why am I talking about it? Well it seems like today we live in a world where knowledge is so easily accessible, yet there is still so much to know. What if everything we learned was false, and that the truth is the most absurd thing you can imagine? But then again, somebody out there in the world has to be right. My love for knowledge stems from the fact that there is always something to be found. As years pass, there will always remain something that humans do not know. And within all humans, there is the innate longing to know.
Friday, April 11, 2008
And its all in my head
But at least it is the weekend, and I am so excited for our school play. Hearing from all those who have already seen it, I just can't wait. This post is a wee bit short because for some reason I am super tired today, and I just want to sleep forever. Too bad I have math tutor tomorrow morning at 8:30.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Day by day
Todays interesting topic:
"Every week, an average of 88 children are expelled from American schools for bringing a gun to class. Nearly one in three American households with children have a gun in them. In a study of 37 school shooting incidents between 1974 and 2000, two thirds of the students involved had taken their guns from their own home or that of a relative. Death rate from guns in the US is by far the highest in the developed world. Of the 639 million small arms worldwide, nearly 200 million are in the homes of Americans."
I dont know how reliable the source on this info is, but it seems pretty scary. It seems that our neighbouring "friends" are quite the trigger-happy bunch. Violence in our world is ever increasing, and it brings forth images from the book "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. Everyday as we live in this sheltered microcosm, the world erupts in violence. I dont think that violence will ever be rid of, but perhaps there is a way to end it. There are always controversial issues pertaining to video games and violence, but i have always considered that just a scapegoat for the violence. When people do not know something, it is always easier to just blame it on something else. In most American states, people may keep guns without licenses, and that i think is what really is the issue. Guns in themselves are not dangerous, but when adults buy them, then leave them lying around, it is just trouble waiting to happen. So i shall end this with the cliche, guns dont kill people, people kill people.
Billy Fung
English 12
Ms. Ignacio
Block F
April 2nd, 2008
Dover Beach
The poem “Dover Beach” is a lyric poem written by an English poet Matthew Arnold during the Victorian Era. The poem is separated into 4 stanzas of unequal length. The rhyme is irregular in the poem, and no set meter is used. The poem is written by Arnold on his honeymoon, presumably on Dover Beach. The poem shows the author’s loss of faith, and shows Arnold concern over the English culture.
In the first stanza, Arnold starts by creating images of confidence and beauty. The speaker starts the poem saying “the sea is calm tonight.” The speaker is looking towards the sea, which gives him a sense of calmness. The speaker continues to illustrate the great beauty he sees, seeing the “cliffs or England stand glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.” Arnold uses the first few lines of the poem to draw the audience into the wonders of the beach, conveying its beauty. Although the euphonious sounds of the first lines make the beach sound wonderful, the audience is lulled into a sense of sadness and dullness. The speaker calls out to his “love” to observe with him the “long line of spray.” As they stand by the window, the boundaries hold them in. Within the window, it seems that everything is serene and tranquil. But the “grating roar of pebbles” shatters the illusion of tranquility. Arnold uses the dissonant sounds of the grating to pull the reader out the beautiful moonlit beach. The waves begin to bring the “eternal note of sadness in.”
The second stanza brings in the literary allusion of Sophocles, and how he also heard the eternal note of sadness “on the Aegean.” The speaker also knows that Sophocles has experienced the “turbid ebb and flow of human misery.” The speaker begins to show that he is truly miserable, and yet the reader does not know for what reason.
The third stanza begins with a metaphorical “Sea of Faith,” that was “once, too, at the full and round earth’s shore.” The speaker uses the metaphor to show that he once had faith, but now the faith is receding, like the waves of the sea. The speaker compares his faith to the tides of the sea, and now he only hears its “melancholy, long withdrawing roars.” All alone, the loss of faith leaves the speaker naked, and hopeless.
The final stanza ends the poem with the speaker calling out to his love. Without his faith to rely on, the speaker makes a final attempt at love, telling it to “be true to one another!” The speaker has no more hope left in the world, seeing the faith of everybody begin and cease. The speaker acknowledges the world as a “land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new.” Yet the speaker knows the world has “neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain.” Everything is devoid in the world, and the loss of faith is further expressed as the speaker feels truly hopeless. The poem ends with the speaker being “swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, here ignorant armies clash by night.” The couplet that ends the poem offers a little bit of relief from the harsh sounds of the poem. But the rhyme and juxtaposition of the couplet is not enough to compensate for the chaos of the poem. The speaker acknowledges the world that he is in, and that he too will be swept away into the tides of ignorance.
Do not go before you turn off that light
Poor men should burn and rave at close of day
Rage, rage energy wasting through the night
Wise men should know that going green is right
Because their noble actions always say,
Do not go before you turn off that light.
Leave them on and you think it is alright.
The electric bill arrives in dismay
Rage, rage energy wasting through the night
Your wallet weeps at the ongoing plight
Up the stairs you already know the way.
Do not go before you turn off that light
So you, I hope resist this ending blight
Sitting in this dark room alone I pray,
Do not go before you turn off that light
Rage, rage energy wasting through the night
Friday, April 4, 2008
Science One
1. What are your goals and expectations of your university experience and why to you want to participate in a rigorous broad-based program like Science One?
2. What makes you passionate about studying Science?
So I have to write an essay talking about my goals and expectations of taking the science one program at UBC. For those who dont know, the science one program is a broad-based program, in that it incorporates all the sciences and math. The first year program unifies all the sciences, and it is very challenging. Although I feel that my marks are not good enough to get in, it never hurts to try. The only thing left for my application is my essay.
This post will be sort of a brainstorm for me, and somewhat of an open discussion for you guys who read my not very well known blog.
My goal of the program is to get a deeper understand of how the world works, and hopefully while going through that process, i will also be able to know what i really want to do in the world. It is truly evident that science will certainly play a major role in the shaping of the world. As of this moment, i feel that by taking a broad-based program, it will allow me to see what my strengths are in, and it will also help me understand that beauty of the world.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
As MRSA enters your body, first signs may be of infections in several different parts of the body. Pimples or boils are the simplest of the symptoms, with death being the most severe. Ironically, most people are infected with MRSA within hospitals, and any contact will do. Most of the time, the bacteria will enter the body through an open wound, and only then will the real problems begin.
Most staph infections can be easily treated by antibiotics, but what happens when you try to fool it too many times? It begins to learn and adapt. The bacteria is able to multiply rapidly, and while some antibiotics may work, most will not. MRSA has become resistant to almost all antibiotics used in the past. As more and more antibiotics are used to try and stabilize MRSA, the bacteria just adapts and becomes immune.
Although MRSA does not cause serious deadly infections, it is the fact that it has become immune to almost all antibiotics that worries doctors. I feel that this approach to combating the bacteria will just lead to more and more resistant strains of bacteria. Although action just be taken, I think that there is a better way. The bacteria acts as if it had a brain, if we keep hitting it with the same stick, soon it will know how to avoid or block the stick. I think the solution to this, and many problems should be to either take away the antibiotics and let the bacteria run its course, or to try and completely destroy the infection, rather than to try and avoid it.
Sadly the only real way of avoiding getting infected is to wash your hands, avoid contact with sick people, and cover up all open wounds. The superbug has become a true problem in Canada, so watch out people.
Monday, March 31, 2008
A stoic German term meaning "the fear of diminishing opportunities as one gets older".