Saturday, August 22, 2009

Recipe for Disaster?

Lately I've been thinking about what I should do with my accumulated wealth, and by accumulate I mean hard earned cash from working. I rarely ever buy anything expensive, and my mom just keeps on telling me to save save save. My mom is most often right, so I just listen to her cause that's what mothers are for right? My mom just tells me to save up for a rainy day because it's always better to complain about having money than to complain about having no money. 80% of all money that I have spent would probably be on food, because that is probably the only thing worth spending money on in my opinion. Everything else just isn't as important, nor as fun. I still don't have my own car, but I only really wanted one for the summer, since after school starts I will rarely ever drive. Hopefully after getting a co-op job, I will save even more money, and then I am almost certain that money will be spent traveling the world.


Anonymous said...

save your money :)
you never know, it may come in handy in the futureeeee

KWA said...

According to "Rich Dad Poor Dad," saving money = poverty. Not quite sure how that works though...

Admiyn said...

Yeh, I recomend you to reading the "Rich Dad Poor Dad", it will open your mind about the money.